A bell rings at MUSC Charleston's Transplant Center - it's the sound of success for a Greenville father, who just got a second chance at life thanks to Clemson police Officer Zachary Yasin.
“I never thought about kidney donation,” Officer Yasin told WYFF4’s Renee Wunderlich, “I didn’t even know it was a thing honestly till I seen the magnet.”
The magnet was on the back of a truck – it had a picture of daughter, Isabelle, and son, Boardman, with their dad, Thomas banks, who was on an urgent search for a kidney.
“I’ve got two kids, 10 and 7, and I was just trying to stay active as I can for them,” Banks said, “I mean, they’re little balls of energy, so that was important to me that they didn’t see me bedridden and not doing anything.”
A photo of the magnet, snapped by Officer Yasin's girlfriend when she was stopped at a red light, inspired him to see if he could be a match for a man he had never meant.