A police officer in Rock Island, Illinois, is receiving a lot of praise after he was captured on camera going above and beyond the call of duty to serve the community.
An unknown pedestrian spotted Officer Tyson Nichols outside in the hot sun pushing an elderly woman in a broken down electric wheelchair up a hill and took a photograph of him.
The anonymous photographer then sent the photo to the police department's Facebookpage and wrote, "Just wanted to give recognition to the department and this officer for showing genuine concern and care for the community."
The photo went viral and Officer Nichols offered some more details about his act of kindness. He says the elderly woman was on her way to a doctor's appointment but got on the wrong bus. She then became stranded when her wheelchair stopped working.
So Officer Nichols contacted the bus company and arranged for a bus to come pick her up and take her to her appointment. But in the meantime, she was sitting in the hot sun, so Nichols pushed her up the hill to a shaded area and waited until she got on the bus. He said, "It kinda comes naturally with the territory as a police officer. You naturally, instinctively do things that you’re supposed to be doing."