Kids do some seriously weird things and a video making the rounds on Facebook proves it once again. The video shows three kids running around a car wash parking lot — two of them with their car seats still strapped to their backs. Some think the video is hilarious, others call it disturbing. The video was taken by a musician named D.Beezy and posted on his Facebook page.
… It appears an adult stopped to vacuum the car at the car wash and, hoping to keep the kids from running off, pull them — car seats and all — out of the back seat. Little did the grown-up know the kids would act like escaping prisoners and start running around with the car seats strapped to their backs.
… None of the kids in the video look hurt or in distress. Some viewers of the video have suggested that the parent who allowed this to happen is abusive and should be reported. But other people who saw the video found it really adorable.