Beth Bradley

Beth Bradley

Beth Bradley is a radio personality and part of The Ellis and Bradley Show on WSSL 100.5. Listen to the show on weekday mornings from 5 to 10 am on...Full Bio



Dog owners have always treated their pets like fur babies, feeding them human food, dressing them up in outfits, and taking them along everywhere they go. But that can present a problem when enjoying a fine dining experience, as one New York City dog owner recently demonstrated.

… Writer Anna Silman tweeted a photo that her friend, a chef at an “extremely fancy NYC restaurant,” sent to her. It was an image of an order ticket he received and it is very specific. It reads: “1 BEEF BURGER — MED RARE, NO CHEESE … THIS IS FOR A DOG. NO SALT, NO OIL, NO SEASONING, NO PEPPER. ABSOLUTELY PLAIN, NO TOPPINGS, NO GARNISHES. NO BACON, NO PICKLES, NO ONION, NO BREAD, NO LETTUCE. NO SIDE SALAD. JUST THE PLAIN PATTIE–THIS IS FOR A DOG.”

Yep, the words “this is for a dog” show up not once but twice on the order. Given that certain foods that are acceptable for humans are poisonous for pups, such as garlic, onions, salt, pepper, and dairy — it’s not the craziest list.

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