It's Teacher Appreciation Week. I have tremdous respect for the women and men who've answered this calling. It is a calling. Like a law officer, fireman or an EMT..teaching is a profession one goes into not for the money, but for the love of the work. From what I've read, Lisa Houston defines that description. Yes, that's her standing on a desk in her honors math class at Palmetto High last week. She admits that out of context it looks bad. But in her defense, Houston said her students came to expect her playful attitude. It wasn't an action of malice. But when videos like this slip out, the court of public opinion reacts swiftly and often times unjustly. In the end, a teacher who spent decades in the profession was forced to retire.
Doug Atkins, an Anderson District 1 school board member resigned Wednesday. Not happy about the way she was treated. Today, students rallied in support of Houston. There are those who were not amused by the video and support the move made. As I'm not a member of that community and don't know Lisa Houston personally, I can only speak to what I've seen and read. I think Lisa Houston should get her job back.