First, let me say that I grew up a Tar Heel fan. My parents moved my sisters and I to Charlotte from Philadelphia back in the early 60's. We learned early that we were in Tar Heel Country. Two of North Carolina's legendary basketball players, Bobby Jones and Walter Davis were from my high school. So by the 1970's, my family was all about the Heels. That was only amplified in the early 80's when Dean Smith brought us that skinny kid from the Wilmington, North Carolina area. Not impressive at first but obviously became the biggest star in the game. In 1984, as Michael Jordan was embarking on his rookie season with the Chicago Bulls, there was a feverish race by anyone who had anything to sell, to get MJ to endorse their product. At the top of that scrap, were the shoe guys. Converse was king then. There were others. Then there was Nike, who had absolutely no game in the basketball shoe world. But, on April 1, 1985, the first Air Jordan's were sold. How that came to be is what "Air" the movie is all about. The movie hits Whistleland theatres on April 5th! A HUGE list of stars are in it. Here's a look at the trailer!
Bill Ellis is a radio personality and part of The Ellis and Bradley Show on WSSL 100.5. Listen to the show on weekday mornings from 5 to 10 am on...Full Bio